Aged Care Assistive Technology & KISA Services Pricing
KISA offers two unique Assistive Technology Communication Devices for Home Care
KISA offers Assistive Technology Communication Devices and complimenting services for people who wish to continue living independent and are receiving government Home Care support.

Pick the perfect package for your KISA Device
Included value $15
Best For International Customers
Bring your own SIM card
KISA device only
GPS Tracking
first month freeExpress Domestic Postage
Included value $150
Best Value For Australian Customers
Limited offer: first 3 month free services
KISA device
Unlimited Calls
first 3 months freeGPS Tracking
first 3 months freeExpress Domestic Postage
KISA Ultimate
Included value $148
Best For Home Care Funding
A year without subscription fees
KISA device
Unlimited Calls
for 12 monthsGPS Tracking
for 12 monthsShield Service
for 12 monthsAccessories
Express Domestic Postage
KISA accessories

Pouch + Magnetic Cable


Rubber Bumps

Magnetic Cable

USB charger

USB cable


Charging cradle
We can help you understand our products better, simply request a free video call with our friendly team.

Recommended Services
Turn your KISA into the ultimate personal health device
KISA GPS Tracking
KISA devices feature built-in GPS Tracking, meaning you always know where your loved ones are, especially if they are at risk of wandering or getting lost.
KISA Shield
KISA Shield keeps your loved ones safe from phone scams, spammers and telemarketers.
Emergency Calls
A KISA SIM plan offers the ability to reach out to family and support networks as often as needed, any time of the day or night.
KISA Reminders Service
There are no limits on the number of reminders you can set each day for someone you care about. KISA Reminders delivers a simple, easy-to-use service, no matter what they need to remember.