Looking for a simple, easy to use phone? A phone with large buttons and easy to read text? A phone with GPS Tracking and emergency features, or a phone that is perfect for the elderly and those not able to use modern phones? KISA has you covered.
If you are looking for a simple, reliable and affordable communication device that is NDIS ready, look no further than KISA. Since 2014, KISA has helped thousands of NDIS participants gain independence and confidence as an NDIS provider.
KISA is designed to keep older Australians connected. KISA's products and services can be funded through different types of government subsidies for the elderly, such as My Aged Care, DVA, NDIS and more
Back in 2013, three friends decided to start a company, the purpose of which was to create a simple to use device, and services around it, that would allow anyone to reach-out in case of emergency regardless of their technical competency or ability. This company became known as KISA (Keep It Simple Always). Since its inception, KISA has helped thousands of happy customers gain independence and confidence through our simple, reliable and affordable devices.
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